Greek Buddha: On the Journey of an Icon and the Mythopoesis of Museum and Art History
作者:朱元鴻(Yuan-Horng Chu) | 首次發表於 2020-07-05 | 第 28 期 September 2002
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Based on Andre Malraux' thesis of ”the metamorphoses of Apollo,” this paper examines the preconditions for such a grand narrative that traces an art form covering several civilizations during two millennia. The paper reads critically the modernity implied by Malraux' vision of the ” museum without walls” and the new disciplines which emerged concurrently with the museum, especially the art history. Futher, the paper looks at the social history in which the museum and its related disciplines evolve in the past two centuries and the mythical functions they have performed , including nationalism, primitivism, and the appropriation of the ancient Greece by the West. The paper then discusses Malraux' outlook on the modem power of mythopoesis, and argues that the sovereign toward the ancient art objects lies not in the nations that lay claim to them or control them materially; rather, it lies in the discursive powers that recite them and thus render them countersigns. Finally, the paper analyz es the variety of mythopoesis and iconoclasm, focuses on the modern form in which mythopoesis and iconoclasm dialectically co-present, and points to the proclaimed mission of the United Nations to protect ”the universal cu1tural heritages” as self-contradictory.

Keywords: metamorphosis, museum, art history, mythopoesis, iconoc1asm