The Network Structure of Individual Social Supports: A Research for the Suburban Community of Growth Rapidly
作者:王仕圖(Shu-Twu Wang) | 首次發表於 2020-07-16 | 第 23 期 June 2000
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract


This article uses the method of network analysis to examine the network Structure of individual social supports in the rapidly growing suburban community. Social support network affects community inhabitants support system. Through the use of social network method, this study attampts to understand the somposite characteristics of individual social networks and the process through which individual attains the which resources via his/her social networks.
There are three kinds of individual social network, individual financial network, small help network in every day life, and individual emotional network. The first is financial network, which constitutes 27.6 percent of all social networks. In the logistical regression, the major factors which affect the financial network include the frequency of interaction, the length of acquaintance, the types of relationship, and geographic proximity. Futhermore, individual characteristics of network members, sub as sex, education, income, and occupation, also affect the financial network. The second is small help network, which constitutes 48.9 percent of all social networks. Within small help network, neighbors constituting 31.5 percent of samll help network are more than the other types of relationship. The major factors which affect the small help network are the frequency of interaction and geographic proximity. The third is emotional network, which constitutes 37.3 percent of all social networks. The major provides of emotional resources include those who share intimate relationship, specifically parents and children. However, the homogeneity of age, sex, and religion is the alternative provides of emotional resources.

Keywords: social support, social network, community lost, community saved, community liberated