Distributive Justice and Earned Income
作者:王德睦(Te-Mu Wang)、蔡勇美(Yung-Mei Tsai)、王篤強(Duu-Chiang Wang)、呂朝賢(Chao-Hsien Lu) | 首次發表於 2020-07-19 | 第 22 期 October 1999
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Literature suggests three principles in evaluating distributive justice of social resources: those based on equity, equality, and need principle. How individuals use these principles in their interpretations of distributive justice depend on a number factors: their personal characteristics, types of social resources being considered subjects or group be evaluated. Although we include all spectrums of people in the society as our subjects, we limit our investigation of social resources to individuals' earned income only. The distributive justice literature indicates that when come to economic resources, people tend to use the equity principle. To test this, we randomly constructed dummy households and individuals and ask our respondents whether given these households' and individuals' characteristics, the income they received were just or not. The literature further points our that: (1) men are more likely to use equity principle while women tend to prefer need principle; and (2) high income and high occupational status individuals are likely to use equity principle while married with children individuals tend to stress the need principle. Whether and to what extent these differential usages of distributive justice principle are also differential usages among our Taiwanese respondents. We have adopted and modified American scholars, Alves, Rossi, and Jasso's design to the Taiwanese situation partially to test the cross-cultural applicability of their design and techniques. The followings are the main findings of the present study:
1. In evaluating the distributive justice of earned incomes, our respondents are more likely to use the need principle than the equity principle as the basis of their judgment.
2. In evaluating the distributive justice of earned Incomes, those more highly educated, white collar respondents are more likely to use equity principle while those female, or less educated, or blue collar respondents are more likely to use need principle in the basis of their judgment.

Keywords: distributive justice, equity principle, equality principle, need principle