Social Mobility, Social Network, and Working Class Consciousness
作者:黃毅志(Yih-Jyh Hwang) | 首次發表於 2020-07-24 | 第 20 期 October 1996
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Many theorists have disscussed the influence of social mobility on class consciousness since Marx. Although many researches have analyzed social mobility and class consciousness separately, studies in the causal relationship between social mobility and class consciousness are few. Based on the data of Social Change Data in Taiwan 1992, this study uses multiple regression and logistic regression to analyse the influence of social mobility on working class identities and the consciousness of working class-capital conflict. Then it explores the intervening role of social network in the influence of social mobility on class consciousness .The main findings are as follows: In Taiwan, the worker whose current occupation is blue-collar or he has ever belonged to blue-collar strata (eg, his first occupation or his father occupation) tends to show that his intimate network (the best friend or spouse) is composed of blue-collar workers and he identifies with working class. If one always belongs to blue-collar worker, he is more likely to display that his intimate network is composed of blue-collar workers and he identifies with working class. However, the intimate network does not influence class consciousness. The workers whose current occupation are blue-collar or they have ever belonged to blue-collar strata do not develop the consciousness of working class-capital conflict. The workers who are most likely to develop the consciousness of working class-capital are nonmanagerial employees. According Marxism, the nonmanagerial employees belong to working class, which includes many employed white-collar workers.

Keywords: social mobility, social network, working class consciousness