Doing Academics, Doing Mothering: Institutional Challenges, Negotiation Strategies, and Intellectual Mothering
作者:林昱瑄(Yu-Hsuan Lin) | 首次發表於 2020-05-01 | 第 66 期 December 2019
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Structural transformations in higher education and the popularization of intensive mothering practices are challenging the efforts of academic mothers to achieve work/life balances. Most studies deemphasize how these mothers negotiate social constraints to reconstructing their maternal and professional identities. Data from interviews with 19 academic mothers are used to examine conflicting gendered roles involving work demands and family expectations. Features of three negotiation strategies are analyzed: body/mind management that supports performance and avoids overwork, the use of academic capital to reframe cultural ideals of motherhood, and the appropriation of mothering knowledge in support of innovative research energy. The latter two characterize what I call intellectual mothering. This study challenges the dual presumptions of the “family-work balance model,” which overlooks the interplay between academic work and family life. Instead, it emphasizes the structural conditioning that encourages family/work integration by academic mothers in an East Asian context.

Keywords: academic motherhood, intensive mothering, academic work, family-work balance, family/work integration