Transnational Erotic Massage as a Sexual Field: A Relational Analysis of Prostitution Power Dynamics
作者:楊又欣(Yo-Hsin Yang) | 首次發表於 2021-05-07 | 第 68 期 December 2020
研究論文(Research Articles)
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摘要 Abstract
本文援引Bourdieu的場域理論(field theory),嘗試從一個動態有機的「關係性」(relational)觀點,剖析臺灣男同志曼谷買春的受害者敘事,及其背後性交易雙方權力運作的多向度軌跡。本文論證性消費中買賣兩造權力互動的樣態,除了取決於雙方所持有之性資本總量與組成方式這種「個人化」因素,以及跨國色情按摩這個賦予性資本權力價值之性場域的「結構性」因素,更是接合扣連此兩者的各種「關係性」(relationality)彼此交織下的產物。透過不同的田野案例,本文將逐步剖析當性交易牽涉到「男男」的性別組合、「色情按摩」的服務和空間型態、以及「跨國」的人地關係時,這個金錢掛帥之性場域內,發展出若干組不同的關係性。它們改變既有的慾望結構,使得諸項原本在此場域裡中性、無權力/性魅力意涵的個人特質成為性資本,並讓金錢這項最核心、關鍵之性資本的權力價值與施作機制出現微妙的轉變,進而重組性交易買賣雙方的權力互動關係。這個「關係性」觀點既是目前性工作研究尚未觸及的分析範疇,也是既有性場域理論始終忽視的詮釋取徑。

The data from following 65 gay Taiwanese men during their travels to Bangkok and from interviewing 42 of them between 2015 and 2016 are used to analyze the instability of power relations between sex workers and their clients. Bourdieusian field theory is used to unpack multi-dimensional power trajectories in transnational sex tourism from a relational perspective. The paper demonstrates how power dynamics between clients and sex workers are shaped by multiple factors, including the amount and portfolio content of an individual’s sexual capital, the ways that the sexual field valorizes sexual capital, and the manifold relationality that bridges the two. Associated relationalities include the offsetting, converting, and triggering of interrelations among different forms of sexual capital possessed by individuals; subtle confrontational relations associated with sexual capital portfolios; and relations between individual attributes and their situated social contexts. These relations arguably determine the value of sexual capital in different forms and the way in which they operate, which heavily influence sex worker-client power dynamics.

Keywords: sexual field theory, sexual capital, gay men, sex tourism, Bangkok