Sociology of Medical Practice: Implications of Situated Medico-social Imaginaries and Practices
作者:林文源(Wen-yuan Lin) | 首次發表於 2020-05-05 | 第 65 期 June 2019
研究議題討論(Review Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Sociological studies in the field of medicine have transitioned from a sociology in medicine to a sociology of medicine approach, with the latter distancing itself from medical practicality in the search for a critical standpoint. In light of current case study-based academic initiatives, this paper explores ways to draw on the modes of medico-social imaginaries in the practices of primary care reforms in Taiwan, and to reconnect critical and practical agendas. The author proposes an alternative “sociology of medical practice” approach, and analyzes its implications for sociological studies of medical practices by specifying similarities and differences with previous approaches. The motivation is to offer conclusions that are beneficial for both practitioners and researchers.

Keywords: medical sociology, medicalization, socio-technical imagery, public sociology