Changes in Gender-role Attitudes in Taiwan, 1991-2001
作者:呂玉瑕(Yu-Hsia LU) | 首次發表於 2020-06-02 | 第 48 期 December 2011
研究論文(Research Articles)
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摘要 Abstract
本研究根據臺灣社會變遷調查資料,分析1991-2001年之間的社會轉型的脈絡下民眾的性別角色態度變遷。研究結果發現十年間民眾傾向 非傳統的性別角色態度有顯著的增長趨勢,然而性別間有差異;男性支持女性就業的趨勢增長幅度較大,而女性對於家庭內性別區隔傾向非傳統趨勢的增長幅度較大。透過世代變遷分析,本研究證明1990年代的社會轉型中男女民眾性別角色態度傾向非傳統的變遷同時來自世代人口的交替及同世代內人口態度的變遷。然而男性的態度變遷更多歸因於同世代內人口態度的變遷,較少由於世代的交替;女性態度的變遷則較多歸 因於世代交替。
本研究進一步比較人口特性群的變遷,發現1991-2001年民眾的非傳統的性別角色態度的增長趨勢是全面性的,而且不同的人口特性群的 變遷速率相當一致。唯一例外的是女性較高教育程度者的變遷速率較緩慢,可能是增長的趨勢衝高後的天花板效應;此效應亦顯示1990年代平權的性別意識已從高教育者逐漸散布到不同階層。

The author examines changes in Taiwanese attitudes toward gender roles between 1991 and 2001, a period of social transformation. According to pooled cross-sectional data from the 1991 and 2001 Taiwan Social Surveys, there was a significant increase in egalitarian attitudes toward women’s work and familial roles among both women and men. Women made a more pronounced shift in attitudes toward gender-role segregation within families, while men made a more pronounced shift regarding women’s employment. Results from a cohort analysis of changes indicate that both cohort succession and intra-cohort changes have contributed to increasing egalitarianism among both women and men. Change in male attitudes has been affected more within cohorts than via cohort succession, while change in female attitudes has been affected more via cohort succession. According to results from intercorrelation analyses, these changes in attitudes are consistent with symbolic-interaction perspectives. Unlike men’s attitudes, women’s attitudes are more likely the result of group norms, and thus more ideologically based; men’s attitudes are shaped more by their positions or life situations and thus less ideologically based. The data also indicate that the trend of increasing egalitarianism is widespread, occurring approximately equally in all socio- demographic subgroups. The one exception is women with higher levels of education, whose changes were found to be smaller compared to less educated women, likely due to a ceiling effect.

Keywords: Gender role attitudes, cohort change, cohort analysis, social change, women’s employment