Reexamining State and Market in the Development of Taiwan’s Shipbuilding Industry, 1974-2001
作者:鄭力軒(Li-Hsuan CHENG)、王御風(Yu-Fong WANG) | 首次發表於 2020-06-04 | 第 47 期 September 2011
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The authors combine insights from the literature on developmental state and market sociology to develop a state structure/policy-firm-market framework for explaining industrial policy outcomes. Our primary argument is that the mismatch between Taiwanese state structure and coordination problems faced by shipbuilding industry was responsible for the failure to establish a large shipbuilding industry in the last quarter of the twentieth century. A conservative financial regime and lack of stable connections between the shipbuilding and marine industries were incompatible with coordination requirements for the parties involved. As a result, the only large shipbuilding firm in Taiwan, the China Shipbuilding Corporation, failed to overcome turbulent business cycles to achieve profitability. In addition to demonstrating our proposed framework, we believe this negative case supports a new understanding of Taiwanese economic development history.

Keywords: shipbuilding industry, developmental state, market sociology, shipbuilding plan, market order