Changes of Time Structure and the Ideals of Time Politics: An Analysis from the Perspectives of the Sociology of Time
作者:鄭作彧(Tsuo-Yu CHENG) | 首次發表於 2021-10-24 | 第 44 期 June 2010
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This article analyzes contemporary changes of time structure and the ideals of time politics from the perspectives of the sociology of time. After defining the main terms, a tendency toward change is noted in contemporary time structure from standard to flexible. One result is a differentiation between work and non-work time that has been replaced to a certain degree by a “three-period society” (Dreizeitgesellschaft), in which “time affluence”(Zeitwohlstand) is considered the most important goal of time politics. Also addressed are the concepts of duty-work and unpaid leave in Taiwan, two examples of ways in which elements of time politics may be neglected. These
topics appear to be growing in importance in Taiwanese sociology, and therefore require us to address them directly. 

Keywords: social time, sociology of time, time structure, time politics, unpaid leave