Does Language Matter? Ethnicity, Linguistic Capital and Occupational Attainment in Taiwan
作者:陳婉琪(Wan-Chi Chen)、溫郁文(Yu-wen Wen) | 首次發表於 2021-10-24 | 第 44 期 June 2010
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Mandarin has been the official language of Taiwan since 1945. Mandarin fluency is regarded as linguistic capital leading to other forms of capital, and as a stepping-stone to gaining desirable goods and positions. Accordingly, the literature contains no studies of the role of Taiwanese dialect (Minnangu) in occupational attainment, even though it is the primary dialect for the majority Minnan ethnic population. Existing studies suffer from simultaneous causality, resulting in biased estimates of language effects. Here we use data from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) to show that most differences between Minnan and non-Minnan Taiwanese are attributable to language rather than ethnicity. In addition to confirming the importance of designation as an “official” language, our results underscore the role of a prevalent dialect in social mobility. Our specific conclusions are (a) Mandarin fluency is beneficial for obtaining higher-status jobs, and accounts for the occupational status advantage held by Mainlanders; (b) Minnan Taiwanese are more likely to own and operate small firms, with Taiwanese fluency explaining much of this difference with Mainlanders; (c) dual Mandarin/Taiwanese fluency helps entrepreneurs develop medium and large firms; and (d) an instrumental variable analysis provides a better estimate of true language effect on occupational attainment. Our results confirm existing findings that the actual language effect is larger than those generally described by conventional analytical strategies.

Keywords: linguistic capital, occupational attainment, ethnic group, entrepreneur