Better Together? Sociability in Leisure and Leisure Satisfaction
作者:傅仰止(Yang-Chih FU) | 首次發表於 2020-06-28 | 第 42 期 June 2009
研究論文(Research Articles)
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摘要 Abstract
「獨樂樂不如眾樂樂」似乎是許多休閒活動的普遍現象。而「眾樂樂」到底是透過什麼類型呈現,通常又會隨著休閒時對社會性的主觀需求、客觀休閒行為、實際接觸對象而有變化。本文綜合休閒研究、社會性、社會網絡這幾項研究的傳承,根據台灣社會變遷基本調查2007年的「休閒生活」調查資料(n=2147),分析眾樂樂的內涵。研究架構參考社會網絡的分類,依據「休閒時和親朋好友在一起的傾向」來區分無伴或結伴式休閒,並以「休閒時接觸總人數」辨別接觸對象的數量和廣泛程度,然後再分別根據這兩項指標來剖析台灣民眾的休閒滿意。不論是從「純粹的休閒趣味」或「綜合性的休閒滿意」來衡量,「休閒時是否經常結伴」、「和其他共同參與者接觸人數」兩項都和休閒後果有正面關聯,其中又以綜合性的休閒滿意更容易隨著社會性而有變化。一般來說,「無伴或結伴式休閒」可以有效區辨休閒趣味和廣泛的休閒滿意;「休閒接觸對象的人數」則能夠更強而有力地辨別生理、教育、美學這些廣泛的休閒滿意。這兩項社會性的指標進一步產生交互作用,顯示出 「結伴休閒者」如果能夠同時「多接觸其他的休閒參與者」,則休閒的各方面後果更加令人滿意。

Sociability appears to bring substantial and incremental benefits to leisure participants. The author examines these benefits by distinguishing among actual contact patterns during leisure activities, based on a theoretical framework that separates strong ties from weak ties within personal networks—ties that can produce different benefits. Data were drawn from the 2007 Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS, n=2147), which included a topical module on Leisure Time and Sports created by the International Social Survey Programme. The strong ties index (measured as the extent to which one joins relatives and friends while engaging in leisure activities) explained well why certain participants had more fun and experienced greater overall satisfaction from their leisure activities. In comparison, weak ties (measured as the total number of people contacted during a leisure activity) helped produce more widespread benefits (e.g., physiological, educational, and aesthetic). Such sociability benefits are further differentiated when the sample is split according to individual need for sociability. Among those who prefer spending their free time alone, being accompanied by others with whom they have strong ties during leisure activities still bring stronger benefits. For those who prefer spending their free time with others, having more contacts with weak rather than strong ties contributes to a stronger sense of satisfaction from leisure engagement.

Keywords: leisure, sociability, social ties, Taiwan Social Change Survey
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