Becoming the
作者:吳忻怡(Hsin-Yi Wu) | 首次發表於 2020-06-28 | 第 41 期 December 2008
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
針對學界對朱天心作品表現高度研究興趣而形成的「朱天心現 象」,本文以伊里亞斯(Norbert Elias)之社會學關係主義為方法,試圖探究此現象的成因與內涵,並嘗試理解其與當代台灣認同議題與族群關係的發展,有何關聯之處。本研究認為:「朱天心現象」的重要社會性意涵在於,作家的主體行動與書寫,被當成具代表性的外省人認同理念型,是一個可與不同行動者參差對照的重要參考點。這個參考點不斷地被「拿來參考」,以定位行動者自身、定位外省族群、定位國族政治。 其間複雜又密切鑲嵌的對話過程,展現了認同議題在當代台灣社會的不可迴避性,及認同辯證過程中所產生的強大張力與緊張關係。

The author uses Norbert Elias’ sociological relationalism perspective to explore the social implications of “the Zhu Tianxin phenomenon” in academic circles, highlighting the relatedness of the phenomenon and its connection to current debates on identity issues in Taiwan. Many researchers perceive Zhu’s works as a special ideal type of waishen (“mainlander”) identity, and variously use it as a reference to identify themselves, to define a specific ethnic group (“waishen-ren”), to analyze the politics of nationalism, and to engage in dialogue focused on Taiwanese/Chinese social identity. Zhu’s work reinforces the idea that confronting the complexity and tension of identity issues in Taiwan are unavoidable.

Keywords: Zhu Tianxin, the phenomenon of Zhu Tianxin, identity, waishen-ren