Another Welfare World? A Preliminary Examination of the Developmental Welfare Regime in East Asia
作者:李易駿(Yih-Jiunn Lee)、古允文(Yeun-Wen Ku) | 首次發表於 2020-07-02 | 第 31 期 December 2003
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
自1990年Gosta Esping-Andersen提出「福利體制」(welfare regimes) 概念,並歸納出自由的、組合主義的、與社會民主的三種西方福利國家體制,引發不少學者的後續研究。其中一個重要議題即東亞國家的福利體制特性為何?能否歸入前述三種西方福利國家體制?為解答這個議題,本文以日本、韓國、台灣為研究對象,探析東亞作為一種福利體制的核心特性,並進一步以跨國比較的資料來呈現日、韓、台在福利提供與輸送的特性,以突顯這三個東亞國家與主要福利國家的差異及獨特性。初步發現,亞洲四小龍中的台灣和韓國,不但在國家與社會發展中存有所謂「發展/累積的」取向的結構,同時這種「發展/累積的」的取向也成為一種核心要素特性,其表現在福利制度與產出中,形成一種「發展型」的福利體製而異於西方諸國。而日本雖表現得與台韓不同,其特性不限於「發展型」特徵,而同時具有各種體制的部分特性。本文發展型福利體制的主要特性為:較大的差別待遇、較高的家庭福利能力、偏低(低與中低)的社會安全支出、中高(中與高)的福利階層化,以及高的個人福利承擔責任與低的年金涵蓋率。

Following the conceptual framework of welfare regimes stated in the work of Esping-Andersen, this paper examines and explores the substantial characters of the East Asian welfare regime presented by Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. While lots of eloquent discussions and studies ensue, East Asian countries have rarely been included and compared with the existing three western welfare regimes, namely the liberal (as United States), the corporatist/conservative (as Germany) and the social democratic (as Sweden). The main findings of this study are stated below : first, East Asian welfare signifies a different regime from those three noticed by Esping-Andersen. Secondly, East Asian countries show their similarity and difference in eight indicators as social security expenditure, social investment, welfare stratification, gender discrimination, non-coverage rate of pension, individual welfare loading, family welfare responsibility, and private market. Thirdly, the core elements of East Asian w elfare regime include low/medium social security expenditure, high social investment, the larger gender discrimination in salary, medium/high welfare stratification, high non-coverage rate of pension, high individual welfare loading, high family welfare responsibility, and low private market. In conclusion, Taiwan and South Korea both show higher accordance in indicators and represent the East Asian regime, while Japan shows the hybrid character. In comparison to the existing three regimes, the East Asian developmental welfare regime show similarity in welfare stratification with the conservative regime and the non-coverage of welfare entitlement is similar to the liberal regime. Rare similarity was found between the developmental welfare regime and the social democratic regime.

Keywords:  Welfare Regimes, East Asia, the Developmental Welfare Regime, Comparative Social Policy