To See or Not To See: Another Look at Research on Temporal Trends and Cross-National Differences in Educational Homogamy
作者:Raymond Sin-Kwok Wong | 首次發表於 2020-07-02 | 第 31 期 December 2003
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This paper examines a recent critical exchange over cross-national and temporal analysis of educational homogamy to interpret societal openness, drawing on cumulative insights from mobility research. The validity of the findings from both sides of the exchange is questioned on methodological grounds. Issues raised include the use of inconsistent and incompatible classification categories, aggregation bias, and inadequate temporal design. A trend analysis of assortative mating in Taiwan from 1976 to 1997 further challenges the studies’ findings and offers new insights into temporal changes in educational homogamy. The results show significant non-synchronous changes in various components of the educational homogamy parameters. Furthermore, the trend for the intrinsic association parameter has an elongated U-shaped form, indicating support for the status closure argument, rather than an inverted U-curve pattern, a linear trend, or invariance, as has been suggested.

Keywords: social mobility, marriage, educational homogamy, comparative research, Taiwan

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