Transformation From Without: Wuiang's Transition from Import Substitution to Export-Led Growth
作者:劉雅靈(Yia-Ling Liu) | 首次發表於 2020-07-02 | 第 30 期 June 2003
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This article explains the relative success of economic transition of Wujiang from import substitution industrialization before the early 1990s to the export-led growth carried on by foreign capital in the late 1990s.Througha comparison of Wujiang with Xinmi and Xianghe in northern China, this article argues that the relative success of Wujiang in attracting FDI lies in its advantage of geographical location, latecomer's position, and the historical tradition of silk export. As a main sourcing of parts for the Taiwanese computer firms in great Shanghai area, Wujiang becomes a center for their suppliers to converge. The concentration of Taiwanese capital in Wujiang provides an easy access for Wujiang officials to Taiwanese business network, smooth the way for Wujiang to adopt innovated institutions of export-oriented economy, and gather sufficient funding for infrastructure construction. Moreover, as a latecomer, Wujiang provides an ample space for many high-tech supplier firms to growth , and makes it easier to imitate and adopt the more advanced institutional design for export-led growth. The fiscal autonomy of Wujiang development zone further ensures its ample supply of funding for infrastructure construction. Finally, the long-term historical tradition of silk export in Wujiang has immersed the local firms in an export-oriented culture and easier for them to pursue foreign market as export monopoly broke down in the trade reform in the late 1990s. All of these combined contribute to the relative success of Wujiang economic transition in the late of 1990s.In contrast, Xinmi and Xianghe in northern China either lack the urban linkage to the metropolitan city or fiscal autonomy. As a result, they fail to attract FDI for the insufficient supply of local infrastructure. Instead, they have to rely on domestic rather foreign capital for local economy to grow. This article illuminates a fact that the inflow of FDI into China has not improved but aggravated economic dispari ty across China.

Keywords: import substitution, export-oriented growth, personal network, institutional innovation, production network