Stigmatized Gender and Gendered Stigma: The
作者:吳嘉苓(Chia-Ling WU) | 首次發表於 2020-07-04 | 第 29 期 December 2002
研究論文(Research Articles)
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摘要 Abstract
本文以台灣不孕男女處境為例,探究污名的性別政治。本文藉由加入分析男性不孕的社會處境,企圖擺脫「污名化的性別等同於女性」這樣分析角度的侷限,強調「性別化的污名」的研究路數,從「性別化的身體」、 「性別化的污名管理」、與「親密關係作為保護綱的性別化」這三個影響污名經驗的重要關鍵,來解釋性別關係如何形塑污名處境。就不孕的身體而言,女性擔任懷孕勞動的生物性,的確促使無子女性成為社會規範的聚焦點,但是本文強調,社會對於男女能孕身體存在著不同的評價,再加上不孕檢查的製度設計,使得女體遠比男體更容易受到質疑。男性藉由女性配偶提供了掩藏的資源,再加上能避免上醫院進行助孕科技的實施,都使得不孕男性得以免除公然受窘的可能性,但也是得能孕的女性伴侶污名上身。女性由於在家庭制度中往往以母職為重,親近的親屬網絡更加重了生殖管束力,在醫療體系中又成為不孕「治療」的主要對象,而在經濟體系中也較難以高報酬高聲望的工作作為主要的自我認同,因此較難逃脫因為不孕/無子所遭到的貶抑。我們看見高學歷的專業女性,處於夫妻平權的小家庭,較有資本抵抗不孕污名。在使用助孕科技來矯正不孕狀態成為「本份」之後,女體也因為助孕科技的性質,以及處理污名的社會壓力,得接受較多的侵入性醫療措施。但是男體的持續生殖力,也讓我們看見男性較女性來得恆久的生子壓力—雖然這個壓力往往要藉由女體來完成。本文強調,將污名概念性別化,更能完整理解污名經驗的來源、過程與衝擊。

I analyze the gender politics from the case of infertile men and women in Taiwan. I move beyond the view of equating the stigmatized gender with women. Instead, I emphasize the importance of ”gendered stigma” approach through investigating(1)gendered bodies,(2)gendered stigma management, and(3)gendered protective circle from intimates. For the gendered bodies, society easily assigns blames of infertility on women partly due to the biological fact that only women get pregnant. More importantly, the assumption of women's vulnerability, the link of virility with masculinity, and the women-targeted infertility diagnosis system all facilitate the association of women with infertility. For the stigma management, wives often cover for their infertile husbands. Men often successfully control their stigma information through such protective cycle, as well as through avoiding entering medical setting for infertility treatment. However, this often leads to the transfer of stigma to healthy women. No matter whether women are the causes of infertility, they became the discredited. Some women actively find ways to maintain their normal self; they separate themselves from some annoying encounters and seek support from other infertile friends. Urban, professional women of nuclear family have more resources than housewives to resist. As long as assisted reproductive technologies becomes a must for the infertile to ”correct” their ”defect,” women are forced to go through more intrusive medical intervention. Paradoxically, men's association with virility forces them to face lingering pressure to have offspring, but such expectation is mostly fulfilled through women's bodies. I stress that the concept of gendered stigma can help reveal the formation, impacts and management of stigma more adequately.

Keywords: Stigma, Infertility, Gender, Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Information Control