The Role of Schooling in Taiwan's Labor Market: Human Capital, Screening, or Credentialism?The Role of Schooling in Taiwan's Labor Market: Human Capital, Screening, or Credentialism?
作者:劉正(Jeng Liu) 、Arthur Sakamoto | 首次發表於 2020-07-04 | 第 29 期 December 2002
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

A classic issue in social stratification is whether the correlation between an individual's education and his or her socioeconomic attainment is derived from increased productivity(ie, human capital),labor market screening or simply from his or her credentials (credentialism). All three theories predict an association between education and socioeconomic status, but they differ with regard to the precise underlying causes of such a relation ship. While previous research has largely avoided the challenge of empirically testing these three competing explanations, here we provide some relevant findings to tackle this research dilemma. More specifically, we investigate the effects of different measures of schooling on productivity so as to provide systematic evidence that is pertinent to distinguishing between the different perspectives in an empirical manner. The results of our analysis of recent data on productivity and schooling in Taiwanese manufacturing industries clearly support t he view of education as productive human capital and provide limited backing for the notion of a mechanism for labor market screening. Since these results only pertain to the manufacturing sector, they cannot be used to generalize about the entire economy. Nonetheless, we conclude that our findings demonstrate that this difficult research problem can indeed be empirically investigated and that, in the future, researchers should consider revisiting the challenge of understanding the nature of the various effects of education on social stratification.

Keywords: human capital, screening, credentialism, labor productivity