Sociologizing Organized Deviancy
作者:麥留芳(Lau-Fong Mak) | 首次發表於 2020-07-20 | 第 21 期 October 1998
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摘要 Abstract

Individual deviancy in Criminology is a multi-disciplinary study, and traditionally a number of disciplines notably Sociology, Psychology, Economics. Law and Biology offer theories to explain crime and criminals. Organized deviancy show more Sociological potency judging by its sophistication in resources management, mobilization of manpower and organizational rationality. A few dimensions of organized deviancy are presented to demonstrate its affinity with Sociology, and these include solidarity patterns, authority structure, and adaptive change. Classical concepts related to these selected dimensions are used only as an organizing tool, and hence no appraisals of these leading concepts are attempted.
The underworld is heterogeneous for it is composed of diverse units such as conventional secret societies, criminal collective, terrorist groups and intelligence agencies. Not all of them are organized on the same solidarity base, some of them on mechanical and others organic solidarity:
and some others fall in between the two ends,
Each variety of solidarity is discussed in conjunction with the Weberian pattern of authority, namely traditional, legal-rational and charismatic. We find that authority structure also explains the stability of deviant collective, especially in leadership succession.
Social change also takes place in the underworld, which is an even more complicated process, for organized deviancy is, as understood by Simmel. only a Secondary phenomenon. Deviant collectives need to adapt not only to changes in the manifest society or the Primary phenomenon, but also to that in the underworld. As a response to social change in the manifest society, certain deviant collectives have gone international resulting in the rearrangement of their power structure to maximize profits in the Capitalist economy. Opening up new niche for technological related businesses is yet another response.
It concludes that the repertoire of findings on deviant collective is ready for sociologizing or sociological theorizing.

Keywords: Deviant collective, solidarity patterns, authority structure, social change, internationalism, the Triad, Cosa Nostra, Mafia and Boryokudan