Psychological Needs, Sense of Alienation, and Mental-Physical Disorders: Social Change in Taiwan
作者:周玉慧(Yuh-Huey Jou)、朱瑞玲(Ruey-Ling Chu) | 首次發表於 2020-06-28 | 第 41 期 December 2008
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本研究應用「年齡─時期─世代」觀點,探討台灣民眾的心理需求、疏離感及身心困擾程度的變遷,並檢驗此三類變項間可能存在的關係。使用「台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫」在1995年、2000年、2005 年的調查資料,採取Yang and Land(2006a)的交叉分類隨機效應模型(Cross-Classified Random-Effect Model),從個人層次、時期層次及世代層次分析心理需求、疏離感及身心困擾程度之所以出現差異與變遷的原因。主要發現如下:(一)台灣民眾的心理需求、疏離感與身心困擾隨著時期有顯著變化,心理需求隨時間降低、身心困擾隨時間增加、 社會疏離感則成U型改變。(二)控制人口變項的效應後,心理需求、 疏離感與身心困擾的世代差異並不明顯。(三)身心困擾隨著年齡成U型變化,40歲左右的台灣民眾身心最健康。(四)自我實現心理需求愈高,身心困擾愈少;疏離感愈高者,身心困擾亦愈高;但加入疏離感後,自我實現心理需求對身心困擾之影響消失。

The authors take the age-period-cohort effect perspective to examine relationships among Taiwan social change and Taiwanese psychological needs, sense of alienation, and mental-physical disorders. Data are from the 1995, 2000, and 2005 waves of the Taiwan Social Change Survey. Yang and Land’s (2006) cross-classified random-effect model for individual, period, and cohort perspectives was used to analyze change over ten years. Results indicate that psychological needs decreased and mental-physical disorders increased; furthermore, sense of social alienation changed in a U-shaped pattern. In terms of age, a U-shaped pattern was also identified for mental- physical disorders, with respondents in the 40-year-old group reporting the least. The results also indicate a connection between higher self-actualization and fewer mental-physical disorders, as well as between higher sense of alienation and increased mental-physical disorders. Furthermore, the influence of psychological needs on mental-physical disorders disappeared after controlling for the sense of alienation.

Keywords: psychological needs, sense of alienation, mental-physical disorders, age-period-cohort effect, cross-classified random-effect model