Event History Analysis of Career Path Change From Hospital to Self-employment among Taiwanese Doctors
作者:陳端容(Duan-Rung Chen)、範國棟(Kuo-Tung Fan) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 38 期 June 2007
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Physician career path types and hazard factors related to changing from hospital employment to self-employment in clinics are explored. The main study question is how the stratified structure of the medical job market formed by the long-term development of a political economy affects physicians' mid-and late-period career moves from hospitals to clinics; the effects of specialty choices are also considered. In addition to examining the effects of early status attainment on late career moves, we analyze physician job change data provided by Taiwan's Department of Health between 1988 and 2002. The data indicate that 6,111 physicians (internal medicine, surgery, obstetric and gynecologic, pediatric, and orthopedic specialists) started their practices between 1988 and 1995. Results from a COX proportional hazards model show that 1,293 of these physicians (21.2%) chose self-employment in office-based clinics after an average of 5.3 years (SD=2.43) of hospital employment. Four types of job change patterns were identified: stable, mobile, transformative and chaotic, with mobile being the most prevalent. Early status attainment variables were found to affect mid-and late-career moves, with the long-standing structure of stratification in this specific labor market also affecting physician career choices. Stratification is manifested in the form of school schisms, hospital stratification, and separate medical education tracks.

Keywords:  physicians, medical education, career path, career change