On Taiwan's Level of Urbanization
作者:黃樹仁(Su-Jen Huang) | 首次發表於 2020-07-05 | 第 27 期 June 2002
研究議題與討論(Research Issues)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
都市化程度是研究一國社會變遷的基本指標之一。但到目前爲止,我們還沒有一套百年來臺灣都市化程度的數據。本文任務是彌補這本土研究基礎工程的缺憾。我們將檢討百年來臺灣城鄉人口統計的性質,並利用官方統計來建立一套都市化程度長期數據。本文發現,日據時期人口統計可用以計算1900年至1939年間五千人以上都市的數目與人口比例。戰後官方無城鄉聚落人口統計可據以計算精確的都市化程度。但1951年至1975年間官方都市計畫區實際居住人口統計可用以推估萬人以上都市數與人口比例。 1975年以後都市計畫區實際居住人口統計可用以推估五千人以上聚落數與人口比例。綜合日據時期與戰後資料,若以萬人以上或更高人口數爲定義都市的標準,我們可以重建二十世紀臺灣的都市化趨勢。

Urbanization levels are essential indicators in the comparative studies of social change. Yet so far no long-term data of the urbanization levels in Taiwan is available. This paper sets out to bridge this gap in Taiwan's social research. We assess the statistics of rural- urban settlements in the past century, and compute a set of urbanization levels that can be used in long-term studies. It is found that population statistics is available for computing urbanization level of the 1900-1939 period. For the post-war era no rural-urban settlement statistics are available. However, statistics from the urban planning administration can be used effectively to estimate the number of cities with 10000 or more habitants and their share of the population since 1951, and the number of cities with 5000 or more habitants and their share of the population since 1975. With the above findings, an urbanization trend of twentieth-century Taiwan is constructed.

Keywords: City, Level of Urbanization, Rural-Urban Settlement, Comparison