Structural Backgrounds of Cynicism: The Rural-Urban Milieu and Employment Status
作者:傅仰止(Yang-Chih FU) | 首次發表於 2020-07-16 | 第 23 期 June 2000
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Cynicism has become more prevalent in Taiwan over the past few years. This study explains the structural backgrounds of such a cynicism in terms of the rural-urban milieu and employment status, based on the 1996 Taiwan Social Change Survey Ⅱ (n=2831). The urban background, especially the current urban residence, proves a key factor in breeding cynicism. Among the current urban residents, in particular, those who came from the countryside exhibit the strongest cynical outlook towards strangers. Such a cynical outlook is also more common among those who work in the secondary and tertiary sectors, those self-employers who also hire a few employees, who work in the private sector, who work as service administrators, as well as high-rank managers. Among the factors related to employment status, the industry exerts most consistent effects on cynicism. The findings lead to several suggestions for more comprehensive and complicated studies.

Keywords: cynicism, rural-urban milieu, employment status