The Logic of Care Seeking
作者:張苙雲(Ly-Yun Chang) | 首次發表於 2020-07-20 | 第 21 期 October 1998
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The purpose of this paper is to address two puzzles in the literature of health resource utilization. First, the use of multiple channels in medical care is incompatible with the theory of reasoned action (Fishbein and Ajzen 1975). According to the theory, care seeking should be a unique manifestation of fundamental medical belief and attitude specific to a social and cultural context. Second, medical utilization has been on steadily rising. One interpretation is the abuse of resources-the problem of moral hazard. In order to investigate the validity of the hypotheses of reasoned action and moral hazard, this paper analyzes the pathway to medical care for 43 patients who were diagnosed as suffering cancer, diabetes, or COPD. These 43 patients had visited one to seven clinics before reaching the three hospitals under study. Three major findings are obtained from event history data on care seeking: (1) patients selectively attend to physical symptoms according to the location, intensity and persistence of the suffering, and the absence/presence of bleeding: (2) patients typically start the search for an appropriate physician with nearby clinics and acquainted doctors: and (3) unsolved physical suffering is the main reason for patients to switch clinics/doctors. Care seeking should be understood in the framework of healer/patient interaction. The direction of future research and policy implication of the findings are discussed.

Keywords: help seeking behavior, reasoned action model, chronical illness, qualitative research and Taiwan society