The Overlooked Hands: The Book Distribution System and Distributors in Taiwan’s Publishing “Circuits of Commerce”
作者:李令儀(Ling-Yee LEE) | 首次發表於 2020-05-16 | 第 63 期 June 2018
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This article attempts to explore the book distribution system in Taiwan, which has been both overlooked and denounced. In contrast to existing studies that tend to systematically marginalize this system and book distributors, I clarify the roles of distribution middlemen and their social relations with other agents. In this study, a conception of “publishing circuits of commerce” was constructed as analyzing framework. The findings suggest that the institutions and embedded relationships in these circuits reinforce overproduction and imbalances in supply and demand via tightly embedded commercial ties. Further, financial embeddedness through the institutions such as the preservation accounts, the “monthly checkout and payment system” constitute a kind of overembeddeness, which ossifies the commercial linkages of the production, distribution, and sales sectors in the publishing circuits of commerce, thus intensifying inefficiencies in this industry.
Keywords: Publishing industry, distribution system, embeddedness, circuits of commerce