The Underclass, Deficient Consumers and Flâneurs: Notes on Homeless People in Taipei
作者:戴伯芬(Po-Fen TAI) | 首次發表於 2020-05-28 | 第 54 期 June 2014
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Marx described the proletariat as surplus labor in a capitalist society, and Benjamin defined the underclass as Flâneur. In this paper I draw on ethnographic information on homeless people in the W district of Taipei to address these ideas. Homeless people (which Bauman refers to as the “new poor”) not only represent a population of individuals who are excluded from the labor market, but also consumers who cannot satisfy their individual needs and desires. In reference to the underclass, homeless people include marginalized citizens, the working poor, and people who engage in deviant behaviors—roles needed for boundary maintenance. As deficient consumers, some of the homeless people may be given work in place of relief subsidies, and thus experience degradation in collective consumption. Some become flâneurs who escape from their families and travel within their home cities. This study is an attempt to clarify how homeless people develop specific survival strategies.

Keywords: Homelessness, Work, Consumption, Poverty, New Ethnography