Manifestation of ling Efficacy: From Symbolic System to Social Coalition
作者:丁仁傑(Jen-Chieh TING) | 首次發表於 2020-06-02 | 第 49 期 June 2012
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
靈驗,是和漢人民間信仰操作與發展關係最為密切的一個概念,但至今尚缺少基礎性的理論探討。本文的主要目的,是要就理解漢人民間信仰最具普遍性也最具關鍵性的文化概念「靈驗」,進行系統考察與理論初探。考察的步驟,先由漢人父系社會的「結構化」原則中,說明超自然世界與社會世界之間的「相互定義」與「相互再生產」關係,進而 說明該超自然象徵結構中,如何內在性的預設了靈驗的存在。接著,我討論了由「單純性靈驗顯現」到「互動性靈驗顯現」的歷程,並討論了 人與神明之間短期或長期「交互對等性關係」中,所產生的各式各樣的靈驗模式,尤其是社會集體與神明進行長期結盟關係中所建構出來的靈驗觀,是靈驗現象背後特別鮮明的社會學面向。最後,我也提到了關於靈驗生產的問題,以所謂的「做靈驗」為考察焦點,揭示出社會資源動員,如何可能創造出更持續而具感染性的靈驗。本文相關概念中所討論到的靈驗基本象徵結構與後續相關的社會結盟原則,是目前漢人民間信仰研究理論中所最缺乏卻也是最需要的基礎性知識,本文的提出,或許有助於在漢人民間信仰研究的社會學知識上產生可能具理論累積性的研究方向。

Although ling is a key concept for understanding Chinese folk religion, it suffers from a lack of theoretical analysis. That explains the motivation for this paper, which begins with a discussion of how social and supernatural worlds are defined and reproduced in Han patrilineal society. A structuralization principle considered inherent to the system may presuppose a manifestation of spiritual efficacy, resulting in analytical distinctions between two kinds of efficacy: mere and interactive. A secondary type may consider reciprocity between spiritual efficacy and receiver feedback. The secondary efficacy framework hints at the long-term link between spirit and collectivity, meaning that many collective processes may be connected to this kind of efficacy social construction. We also discuss the concept of “doing efficacy” as a means of understanding supply and feedback within the secondary efficacy process. It is hoped that this study contributes to the establishment of a useful framework for understanding links between the Han symbolic system and social mobilization.

Keywords: efficacy, folk religion, coalition, reciprocity, structuralization