The Logic of Collective Violence in Street Protests
作者:陳韻如(Yin-Zu CHEN)、沈幼蓀(Yow-Suen SEN)、陳雅蓁(Ya-Cin CHEN) | 首次發表於 2020-06-04 | 第 46 期 June 2011
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

While the transition to a more liberal and democratic political structure in Taiwan has the potential to reduce occurrences of violence during collective protests, it does not account for the occurrences of violence during individual demonstrations. Assuming that the political opportunity structure in a democratic society is relatively stable, this paper argues that the logic of violence in collective protests is found in the characteristics, actions, and interactions of the three major parties (protestors, police, and protest targets) that constitute the context of any given demonstration. Using data from Taiwan Television’s News Audiovisual Database for 501 protest events between 1996 and 2006, the results of multivariate analysis indicate that the most potent mix for violence is a medium-sized group of protestors (100 to 1,000), a rally with minimum organizational structure, enterprises as target, and strong police intention and intervention for crowd dispersal.

Keywords: Protest, protest targets, policing, violence