Transformation of the Publicness in the Field of Popular Religion in Tainan, Taiwan
作者:齊偉先(Wei-Hsian CHI) | 首次發表於 2020-06-04 | 第 46 期 June 2011
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本論文探討台南府城民間廟宇宗教論述的生產模式以及它們所處之廟際場域的公共性建構。本研究強調神蹟特質的偶發性事件是宗教領域建制化發展的重要基礎,具體反映在廟宇的經營運作就是「超越的公共認知」與「世俗的公共認知」兩者共生共構的建制化過程。本文據此提出了「超越性論述/世俗性論述」兩者間存在有一種雙向轉譯複寫的運作機制,並說明它是民間宗教公共性論述生產的重要特徵。在這個分析基礎上,本研究進一步指出,台南府城的廟際場域自民國60年以來,逐漸出現有社團化的發展。此社團化發展具體表現在廟際場域的現象就是(1)宗教論述所體現的公共觀由「境」朝「勢」的內涵轉向;(2)廟際場域中出現有公共性的多元建構,並分別展現在三個不同的面向上。 文章最後延伸反省了民間宗教廟宇的動能與現代各地出現的文化在地運動(如社區總體營造)兩者整合的困難及可能性。

The author looks at ways that temples in Tainan, Taiwan produce religious discourses, and how the cross-temple publicity is constructed. Contingency is presented as an essential factor in this religious construction. A mutual-reinforcing operation between transcendental and secular discourses is found as a characteristic of the discursive production of popular religion. This basic operation shows how temples in Tainan have undergone a transformation from public entities to temple associations since the 1970s. This transformation has at least two implications: (a) the guiding principle of temple publicity has changed from territorial to power-holding, and (b) the emergence of structural differentiation in the field of popular religion. In connection with this, the author reflects on the potential for and difficulty of integrating local temples within the politico-cultural localization.

Keywords: Popular religion, publicness, cross-temple field, temple coalition, operation of mutual-reinforcing interpretation