Culture, Framing and Social Movement
作者:何明修(Ming-Sho Ho) | 首次發表於 2020-07-01 | 第 33 期 December 2004
研究議題與討論(Research Issues)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The author offers a review of studies on social movement framing. Framing is defined as a) a collective process for building a shared interpretative schema for the outside world, and b) the means by which social movements produce cultural meanings. This paper traces the interactionist standpoint used by David Snow and his colleagues to establish their framing theory. In the early phase, framing studies primarily focused on small circles of potential supporters and their capacity to create a consensus. Earlier studies tended to under-theorize the strategic and organizational dimensions of framing. In more recent scholarly works, framing can be conceptualized as making use of political opinions, maintaining participant morale, and avoiding resistance. Recent studies also show the extent to which framing is subject to organizational processes such as competition, cooperation, and learning. While endorsing the strategic aspects of framing theory, this review also warns against excessive voluntarism. Rationality in framing is bounded by the actors' biographies, histories, and pre-existing cultural repertoires. If some conceptual difficulties can be resolved, framing theory is a promising explanatory approach to relations between social movement and culture.

Keywords: framing, culture, social movement, strategy