Conflict and Compromise Between Market and Social Forces: The Electronics Industry and the Emerging Formulation of Chemical Regulation in Taiwan
作者:邱花妹(Hua-Mei Chiu) | 首次發表於 2020-05-11 | 第 64 期 December 2018
研究論文 (Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本文檢視2011年至2014年間的《毒管法》修法過程,探討環境運動、資本與國家力量如何拉鋸角力,形塑環境立法的內涵。本文發現,從修訂母法到訂定子法,這是一個從「社會挑戰市場」到「市場反挫社會」的政治過程。首先,環團與在野立委組成的非正式修法聯盟透過操作行政立法權力杆桿,成功將預警原則寫入部分母法條文;然而,折衝妥協下修訂出的母法,因留下過多空白授權,而讓各種資本力量得以大力介入影響子法,訂出偏好市場利益的實施細則,致使母法預警精神大打折扣。其次,為競爭國際市場訂單、取得化學品資訊及提升廠內風險管理能力,電子業雖罕見地與環團一致支持環保署聲稱的仿效歐盟,訂定台灣版 REACH,但電子業能接受的管制範圍與程度、對資訊公開與知情權保障等關鍵課題的主張,高度受到市場與利潤考量、產業特性與國際分工位置的影響。就國家而言,環境官僚雖嘗試改變治理典範,但整體國家政策與立場,仍偏好經濟部門利益,在工業資本仍極具影響力的情況下,立法運動難以落實強版本預警原則,治理典範不易轉變。最後,作者也將討論台灣環境管制立法過程的特殊性。

關鍵詞:預警原則、生態現代化、象徵性立法、毒性化學物質管 理辦法、電子業
Since 2000, regulation of the use of chemicals has been one of the most important issues in environmental legislative agendas. REACH legislation in the EU has encouraged new regulations on chemical usage in countries such as Taiwan, where the Toxic  Chemical Substances Control Act has undergone amendments since 2011. This study explores dynamic relations among environmental groups, enterprises, and the law-making state. It is noted that the electronics industry, which requires the intensive use of chemicals, was in a similar position in dealing with environmental groups to support the Taiwanese version of REACH. However, the extent to which amendments to the law reflect precautionary values relies on alternating conflict and compromise between market and social forces rather than the simple goodwill of the market. The general characteristics of environmental legislation in Taiwan are also discussed.

Keywords:precautionary principle, ecological modernization, symbolic legislation, Toxic Chemical Substances Control act, electronics industry