Developmental Self-Esteem Trajectories among Taiwanese Adolescents: Effects of Family and School Context
作者:范綱華(Gang-Hua FAN)、伊慶春(Chin-Chun YI) | 首次發表於 2020-05-23 | 第 60 期 December 2016
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The resilience model and the storm and stress model make opposite predictions regarding self-esteem development patterns during adolescence, and empirical findings have been inconsistent. This study examines the self- esteem developmental process using data from a 2000-2007 longitudinal survey conducted in Taiwan. Piecewise linear growth curve analyses were applied to determine developmental self-esteem trajectories among respondents aged 13 to 20 (N=1,456). Results indicate a curvilinear pattern. The effect of parental support varied depending on adolescent stage. While the effect of perceived maternal support was more significant during early adolescence, perceived paternal support was more prominent in middle and late adolescence. Implications of the curvilinear pattern and variation in the influences of perceived parental support across stages are discussed.

Keywords: self-esteem, adolescent, developmental trajectory, family context, school context