Taiwanese Household Projection Scenarios, 1990-2050
作者:楊靜利(Ching-Li Yang)、董宜禎(Yi-Jhen Dong) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 38 期 June 2007
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The authors use a multi-dimensional household projection model to project the number and composition of family households in Taiwan to the year 2050 to explore the impacts of population change and intergenerational co-residency on household composition. We also make comparisons between the results of the country's 2000 projection effort and registration/census to evaluate the model’s accuracy. Due to the projected numbers are more close to the registered total population in 2000 and the surveyed household composition in 2002, this projection maybe more reliable than the 2000 census. Three scenarios of long-term household projection are offered to demonstrate population and household trends. Our findings indicate that due to a sub-replacement fertility rate since the early 1980s, single generation households will dramatically increase starting 2020, with increases in elderly households making substantial contributions to growth in this category regardless of scenario. It holds important implications for implementing and operating a national pension and other long-term care programs. At the same time, the number of single-parent households will increase sharply due to the growing divorce rate, especially since the probability of divorced Taiwanese women remarrying is much lower than that for men.

Keywords: household composition, multi-dimensional household projection model, base population, standard schedules, summary measures