Expressing Nationalist Politics in Guestworker Program: Taiwan's Recruitment of Foreign Labor
作者:曾嬿芬(Yen-Fen Tseng) | 首次發表於 2020-07-01 | 第 32 期 June 2004
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This article argues that introducing and implementing a foreign workers policy offers an opportunity for a modern state to express its very fundamental ideologies related to nationalist politics. By investigating the policy making decisions that formulate the first ever guestworker program in Taiwan during the early 1990s, in this article, I pursue a dual analytical agenda. First, I examine in detail the nationalist discourse on building the foreign worker regime in Taiwan and show how some fundamental ideal interests related to nationalist politics influence the decision making process. Second, I aim to show how a restrictive border control policy such as guest worker program expresses some of the Taiwan's key nationalist narratives in the early 1990s. Major findings are as followed. First, operating under the idea of​​ mercantilist economic nationalism, the guestworker program was meant to respond to a “shortage” of low-skilled labor constructed by industries threatening plant closings and offshore production. Second, the careful selection of foreign workers from specific countries reflects state-to-state relations in international politics. Third, racialized classism is found in related policies that basically give more room for incorporating professional/technician/managerial workers to Taiwan's demographic future. Blue collared workers from Southeast Asia are classified as a cultural race and are perceived “incompatible” with Taiwan. Forth, the state resists the market demand for mainland Chinese labors, who are considered an ideal labor supply due to their assumed language and cultural commonness, stemming from a fear of having the recently consolidated national identity be shaken up once again.

Keywords: foreign worker policy, guestworker program, nationalist politics, nationalism, class, Taiwan