Expanded Carework: Male Nurses Finding Niche in a Woman's Work
作者:徐宗國(Tsung-Kuo Hsu) | 首次發表於 2020-07-06 | 第 26 期 December 2001
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The role of male nurses is being redefined in a workplace with a female majority, as they find themselves engaged in to-called ”masculine situation management” that is gender appropriate and convenient. These two aspects of male nurses' coping strategy constitute their unique type of care work which can be defined as ”expanded carework”, a concept coined by the researcher to indicate niches that male nurses have found for themselves in a woman's profession.
The role of the male in care work has expanded conventional feminine nursing to include gender neutrality or male appropriateness. Male nurses can therefore develop a new prospective niche within an already saturated job market. The gender advantages for controlling and managing nurse-patient relationships are becoming obvious. Some claim that their masculinity is better suited for handling patients, coordinating disputes and controlling settings. Based on the social value of male superiority, male nurses have not only fortified the division of labor by gender, but as a result are exploring and enlarging the territory of work for nurses in general.

Keywords: Male Nurses, Masculinized Situation Management, Enlarged Carework, Nursing Redefined, Grounded Theory Approach