Exploring Taiwan's Labor Market Segmentation: The Analysis of the Mobility Tables
作者:黃毅志(Yih-Jyh Hwang) | 首次發表於 2020-07-14 | 第 25 期 June 2001
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Using the 1992 Taiwan Social Change Survey data (stratification section), we confront the following questions from a New Structuralism perspective: (1) In Taiwan, are there clear-cut dual or multiple labor markets with a low inter-sector mobility rate? (2) How and to what extent is the labor market segmented in Taiwan? The empirical results indicate that segmented labor markets do exist in Taiwan, and that the barriers are quite significant. This is especially true between the public and private sectors. Although there are mobility barriers between core and periphery industries, and between employers and employees, these are not as crucial as those between the public and private sectors. Further, we find that the size of a firm does not affect its reflection of Taiwan's labor market segmentation. Workers flow through big and small firms alike. In sum, this paper, which corresponds with the New Structuralism perspective, emphasizes the importance of structural features of the labor market. We believe that this approach should be able to supplement the social stratification research based on the traditional status attainment model in Taiwan.

Keywords: New Structuralism, Labor Market Segmentation, Public and Private Sector