Box Office and Public/Private Features of a Case Study of Taipei's National Concert Halls
作者:郭曉玲(Hsiao-Ling Kuo)、傅仰止(Yang-Chih Fu) | 首次發表於 2020-07-15 | 第 24 期 December 2000
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The box office of music concerts has served an indicator to reflect the fame of the performer as well as to evaluate how the public responds to music activities. This study examines the social significance of concerts behind the box office by combining both literatures in the sociology of music and urban sociology. In particular, it explores how the box office implies the public and private features embedded in the modern urban living. The main data were drawn from the actual box office (measured by the rate of audience attendance) in 2154 classical music concerts held between 1991 and 1995 at Taipei's National Concert Halls. Supplemental data include characteristics of each concert and the performer, as well as weather conditions and social rhythms. The findings largely confirm that the box office varies significantly by social rhythms, ticket prices, managers, size of the concert, whether the concert is memorial or in series, whether the performer is native or foreigner, and how famous the performer is. Major differences exist between the Concert Hall, which furnishes 2070 audience members, and the smaller Recital Hall, which is equipped with 363 seats. While the box office of the Concert Hall reveals the signs of public concerts, that of the Recital Hall suggests the private realm of the concerts, filled with social relationships and personal networks. Such public and private features of concerts may designate new meanings for the box office, and contribute to the further understanding of the modern urban living as well as activities in the classical music world.

Keywords: concert, box office, publicity, privatism