Anthony Giddens: From Sociological Theory to Social Theory
作者:洪鎌德(Lien-Te Hung) | 首次發表於 2020-07-24 | 第 20 期 October 1996

論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
Anthony Giddens, one of the most distinguished British sociologists, has enlightened the contemporary academic community through his ingenious interpretation of ”the classics” (Marx, Durkheim and Weber) and the works of recent social theorists. Above all, his novel and thought-provoking theory of structuration has aroused intensive debates throughout and exerted a tremendous influence on the world.The article assesses basically the importance of Giddens's theoretical contribution to sociology in particular and social sciences in general, following his own research project from sociological to social theory. It consists of seven sections.Having introduced Giddens to the rather unfamiliar and unversed audience in Taiwan (Sect. 1), the essay briefly traces the path of his academic career and writings until 1995 (Sect. 2). Then it follows a brief analysis of the background and sources for his development of structuration theory (Sect. 3). In a lengthy part of the treatise (Sect. 4), the main features of structuration theory are elaborated and illustrated by a few diagrams. Ln Section 5, the author discusses Giddens's analysis of class, power, nation-state, capitalism and industrialism which manifests his contribution not only to sociological but also to social theory. Section 6 deals with his concept of modernity and how he criticizes modern capitalist society.Finally, in Section 7, the author evaluates Giddens's theoretical contribution and intellectual importance. However, the deficiencies of his theory which his critics have exposed, are also discussed and assessed.
Keywords: Structuration Theory, Action, Structure, Social Practice, Nation-State, Modernity
Keywords: Structuration Theory, Action, Structure, Social Practice, Nation-State, Modernity