Living Apart from One's Children in Later Life-The Case of Taiwan
作者:陳肇男(Chao-Nan Chen) | 首次發表於 2020-07-29 | 第 19 期 March 1996

論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
This study is based on a survey of 5,046 elderly persons residing in Taiwan in 1988. It focuses on the following three objectives: (1) To examine the mechanisms for the increase of living apart from children. (2) To find out the reaction of the elderly toward living apart. (3) To investigate the impact of living apart on the elderly.Our analysis confirms that there are four mechanisms responsible for the rapid increase of living apart in later life. They are migration selectivity in the 1950s, migration selectivity in the 1980s, differential attitude toward living arrangements, and differential mortality. It has also been shown those elderly who live apart from children were in better status. Or they were married, younger, with better education and male. Nevertheless, they were less satisfied with the function of the living arrangement. We have found that the satisfaction was affeded by the function of living arrangements. If the arrangement can fulfill the elderly's living needs, they feel satisfied. Our analysis also indicates that those elderly who live apart receive less financial support and physical care from their children than elderly living in other types of living arrangements.
Keywords: Living arrangement, aging, life satisfaction
Keywords: Living arrangement, aging, life satisfaction