Should Sociology be Critical? Crises, Paradigms and Challenges in French Sociology
作者:陳逸淳(Yi-Chun Chen) | 首次發表於 2023-06-02 | 第 72 期 December 2022
研究紀要(Research Notes)
研究紀要(Research Notes)
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摘要 Abstract
儘管布赫迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)的「以批判為己任的社會學」(critical sociology / sociologie critique)在當代法國社會學界已取得重大成就,也成為今日舉世公認的當代法國社會學典範,然而若從知識社會學的角度來看,其社會學並非法國社會學的傳統。由於1968年5月學運,引發了法國的「社會學的危機」,才使法國社會學出現了批判取向的社會學的發展,可以說是時代才創造了思想。布赫迪厄結合了批判與反思(reflexivity)的研究策略,將社會學定位為一種「格鬥技」。批判做為社會學研究的主要任務,這樣的取向無疑在20世紀的法國取得了巨大的成就。然而,布赫迪厄的重要弟子之一博東斯基(Luc Boltanski)卻選擇了一條與其師對立的道路,他除了批判布赫迪厄的社會學,也發展自己的「以批判為對象的社會學」(sociology of critique / sociologie de la critique)。博東斯基反對「場域」、「慣習」等社會決定論傾向的概念,他認為行動者具備其自由意志,且行動具備了正當化其自由意志的可能性。因此,博東斯基的「以批判為對象的社會學」所關心的則是「批判的可能性條件」以及「批判所導致的後果」,即就是「批判如何可能」的問題。他對批判的反省,亦展現了社會學典範轉移的企圖;而這樣的企圖仍具其局限。
Pierre Bourdieu’s critical sociology is recognized for describing contemporary French sociology, but despite its significant achievements in terms of the sociology of knowledge, traditionally it has not been accepted as an evident model. The May 1968 social movement is viewed as the trigger of a French sociological crisis that led to the development of critical sociology, which has achieved great success in determining the main tasks of sociological research. However, Luc Boltanski chose a different path from Bourdieu, one now known as the “sociology of critique.” According to this theory, social actors have free will that is legitimized by their actions. Boltanski’s approach is concerned with conditions of possibility and consequence—that is, the question of how social critique can be made possible..
Keywords: Sociological crisis, Critical sociology, Bourdieu, Boltanski
Keywords: Sociological crisis, Critical sociology, Bourdieu, Boltanski
- 關鍵詞:
- 社會學的危機
- 以批判為己任的社會學
- 布赫迪厄
- 博東斯基