How Local Education Empowers Rural Development: A Case Study of Meinong
作者:吳品賢(Pin-Hsien Wu) | 首次發表於 2022-10-07 | 第 71 期 June 2022
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Meinong, a Hakka district of Kaoshiung, became a well-studied case of community-led development following the Meinong Anti-Dam Movement. During and after the movement, Meinong experienced the return of young people, many of whom joined local NGOs and educational institutions. However, few Meinong studies have looked at the effects of education on identity construction, despite its influences on movement agency and status as key mechanisms for boosting local development. This paper describes the author’s four years of Meinong fieldwork, with a focus on interviews with NGO members, educators, adult alumni of Long-du Elementary School, and farmers. The findings suggest that educators who adopted critical pedagogies of place and received support from community partners were more capable of using their agency to facilitate engagement with material and symbolic politics of rurality, and thus empower alternative rural development. Keywords: rural education, place and community identity, critical pedagogies of place, two-ness of rural life, alternative development.

Keywords: rural education, place and community identity, critical pedagogies of place, two-ness of rural life, alternative development