Literature, Power and American Propaganda in Hong Kong and Taiwan During the Cold War (1950-1962)
作者:王梅香(Mei-Hsiang WANG) | 首次發表於 2020-05-28 | 第 57 期 September 2015
研究論文(Research Articles)
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摘要 Abstract
本研究主要探討1950年代文化冷戰下的臺港文學場域,與其中美國權力的運作邏輯。既有對於美國權力的認知是「新殖民」、「文化帝國 主義」和「柔性權力」等,這些理論對於美國權力的認知是間接、隱微和意識型態灌輸,美國權力利用文學,但不直接介入文學作品的「內容」。本研究以國家私營網絡和在地人際網絡,探討權力施行者和不同中介權力者之間,所呈現的複雜關係網絡。易言之,美國權力透過上述 「中介權力」淡化其政治性,藉由文化資本與經濟資本的轉換,使美國權力運作在文化人身上得以可能。最後,透過分析文學作品所看到的美國權力,是一種「隱蔽權力」,與過往討論美國權力之不同在於,隱蔽權力將權力所欲傳達的意識型態(如反共)編織在符號系統之中,透過文學翻譯、改寫作品和共同創作三種方式,以改變形式、改寫內容、塑造人物和情節、使用隱喻象徵等手法,而這些透過「文學作品」既「傳達」又「掩飾」反共政治目的的手法,正是美國權力在文學場域中的多重面貌。

This study focuses on the literary field in Hong Kong and Taiwan during the Cold War period of the 1950s, and the logic and influence of American power in the literature produced at that time. Existing theories (e.g., neocolonialism, cultural imperialism, and soft power) describe American power as indirect, hidden, and involving ideological indoctrination. The evidence suggests that while America made use of Hong Kong and Taiwanese literature, it was not directly involved in producing content. This study uses state-private and interpersonal networks to explore the complex relationships between the holders and intermediaries of American power, which used cultural and economic capital to dilute the political content of messages. Unlike previous studies, this one asserts that unattributed power hoped to convey anti-communism messages by weaving them into symbol systems. Literary works were used to both disseminate and hide politically motivated messages, thereby revealing the many faces of American power.

Keywords: Cultural Cold War, U.S. aid literary institution, Neo-colonialism, Cultural imperialism, Soft power