Taiwanese Students Pursuing Higher Education in China: Institutional Frameworks and Migration Trajectories
作者:吳伊凡(Yi-Fan WU)、藍佩嘉(Pei-Chia LAN) | 首次發表於 2020-06-01 | 第 50 期 September 2012
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

A growing number of Taiwanese students have emigrated to China for higher education purposes during the last two decades. The authors use this specific case to engage the student migration literature. Based on indepth interviews and policy analysis, we examine the migration trajectories of Taiwanese students according to an analytical framework consisting of macro (policy), meso (organizational), and micro (individual) levels. We have identified three types of Taiwanese students—degree-oriented, work-oriented, and family-guided—with further differences in terms of migration motivation, school access, and labor market consequences. This case is special in that the Chinese government is giving these students a quasi-internal migration status that conflicts with the fact that these students crossed national borders. The host government adopts a policy of “reterritorialization” to symbolically address the “homeland” status of Taiwanese students, while the students themselves enact a strategy of “deterritorialization” for the purposes of spatial mobility and capital accumulation. Such encounters hold potential benefits and contradictions, and Taiwanese students find themselves in an ambivalent postion of “in-betweeness” regarding both educational and labor market status.

Keywords: student migration, reterritorialization, cross-strait relations