Politics of Bicycle Riding Tastes in Hsinchu in the 2000s
作者:林文源(Wen-Yuan LIN)、陳晉煦(Jin-She CHEN) | 首次發表於 2020-06-02 | 第 49 期 June 2012
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本文試圖解析近年臺灣單車風潮下的品味政治。本文以Bourdieu資本、品味區隔概念出發,結合Hennion品味實踐角度,闡述單車群體中萌生的區隔。以新竹市各類型單車社群與個體為案例,我們由不同社群組織與維持、單車論述、技術層次、活動型態區分出五種「單車—人」 網絡,探討不同單車群體的品味構成。

This paper examines the politics of taste among cycling communities in Hsinchu. The authors use Hennion’s concepts of mediatory networks and practice of taste to interrogate Bourdieu’s concepts of capital and politics of taste and elaborate five types of “bicycle-rider” networks. Our goal is to contribute to an alternative understanding of the politics of taste from a practice-oriented perspective. Apart from the economic and social capitals, and cultural capital of fine art that Bourdieu examines, we propose two additional types of capital—technical and cultural capital of fashion—to explore the contested tastes in the emerging bicycle-riding culture. We also elaborate on the theoretical implications of a practice-oriented study of taste and its empirical implications for Taiwanese society.

Keywords: cycling practice, mediation, practice of taste, Bourdieu, Hennion