Communitarian Governance and Social Innovation
作者:陳東升(Dung-Sheng CHEN) | 首次發表於 2020-06-02 | 第 49 期 June 2012
理事長演講(TSA President Address)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本文建立在社會行動者是強互惠與考量公共利益,而非完全自利的前提下,探討依據平等、互惠與合作的社會治理模式得以生成的微視面和鉅視面的作用機制,並且闡釋強互惠的社會稟性是在社會互動和特定 歷史及社會情境中逐漸發展出來,且持續被社會建構的。社群治理在市場或層級組織以外,被當成一種調節管制社會關係的理念型,具有重要的理論和實踐的意涵。面對當代資本主義發展與代議民主所面臨的困境,社群治理模式讓我們有了創新替代方案的理論基礎,並且進一步打造出不同的社會經濟組織和制度設計之可能性。社群治理與社會創新的連結企圖彰顯理論思考和社會實踐的緊密結合,理論反省提供社會實踐可能的創新構想,社會實踐則回饋理論發展的方向。

This lecture investigates micro as well as macro mechanisms facilitating the development of communitarian governance based on the assumption of most social actors with value of strong reciprocity. It also emphasizes that value of strong reciprocity is socially constructed and communitarian governance is established and revised under different socio-historical contexts. In addition to market and hierarchy, communitarian governance is the third way to regulate social relationships in a particular society. Facing serious problems of the development of capitalism and representative democracy in contemporary society, communitarian governance provides an significant theoretical base to design innovative alternatives under current economic and political institutions. To link communitarian governance and social innovation, this lecture demonstrates possibilities of integrating theoretical thinking and social practices.


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