The Disappearance of Clinical Factors: Knowledge Production Politics of Cesarean-Section Research in Taiwan
作者:吳嘉苓(Chia-Ling WU) | 首次發表於 2020-06-04 | 第 45 期 December 2010
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

In this paper I investigate the transformation of knowledge production in researching high cesarean section (CS) rates in Taiwan over the past fifty years. I use the perspectives of science, technology and society studies (STS), and medical sociology to analyze how the social structure of scientific communities and changes in data collection, research tools, research conceptualization, and research modeling have led to this transformation. The primary data include 102 research articles, book chapters, master theses, and reports on high CS rates in Taiwan, plus interviews with 21 researchers and obstetricians. Starting in the 1960s, obstetricians used hospital medical records to document increasing CS rates in specific hospitals, and published their findings in local academic journals. They focused on clinical factors such as breech presentation and previous C-sections, and suggested improvements in obstetric techniques to avoid unnecessary C-sections. In the 1990s, Taiwan’s high CS rate became a widely reported and discussed issue, and obstetricians faced pressure from their peers. In addition, laboratory research started to receive greater academic prestige than studying epidemiological data; therefore CS research by obstetricians came to an almost complete halt. Such studies were replaced by research from the fields of public health, medical administration, and health economics. These efforts relied mainly on National Health Insurance database to study CS trends in Taiwan. Their studies, which treated clinical factors as controlling variables, focused on institutional factors and birth women’s behaviors to construct explanatory models. Here I argue in support of the potential contribution of studies by obstetricians to childbirth reform, and suggest strategies to bring clinical factors back into research efforts on high CS rates in Taiwan.

Keywords: knowledge production, STS, clinical factors, cesarean section