State Formation and Education: Black Market Schools in Postwar Hong Kong
作者:黃庭康(Ting-Hong Wong) | 首次發表於 2021-10-24 | 第 44 期 June 2010
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Most literatures on state formation and education focus on socio-historical milieus undergoing vigorous political change. This paper uses the historical case of black market  schools in postwar Hong Kong to dissect educationpolitics in settings marked by relatively mild intensity of state formation. After the war Hong Kong remained a British colony, the ruling regime’s legitimacy was not dependent on strong support from local residents, and the militancy of the pro-Beijing and Pro-Taipei forces was moderate. These factors suppressed intensity of state formation, reduced the government’s willingness to provide education, and resulted in the proliferation of private schools. To prevent private institutions from endangering pupils’ safety and the Colony’s stability, the government moved to intensively regulate them. This “insufficiently provided, negatively regulated” approach resulted in unfulfilled educational demand and the problem of unregistered schools. Although the government felt compelled to suppress unlawful institutions, it recognized that strong actions against such schools would increase the number of unschooled children and provoke public resentment. Inspired by this historical case, the author of this paper constructs a typology of state educational policies by cross-tabulating the dimensions of “educational provision” and “mode of private school regulation.” He also proposes theoretical hypotheses on the connection between these policies and state formation.

Keywords: state formation, education policy, colonial state, school system, Hong Kong