Post-industrializing Taiwan: Changing Class Structure and Social Inequality, 1992-2007
作者:林宗弘(Thung-Hong LIN) | 首次發表於 2020-06-26 | 第 43 期 December 2009
研究論文(Research Articles)
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摘要 Abstract
東亞新興工業社會如台灣,是否已經走向後工業化或者全球化的趨勢?本文比較了新馬克思主義、後工業主義與全球化理論等三派主要的社會轉型分析,發現三派理論在社會轉型的動力、階級結構的改變、階級流動的變化、勞動市場性別分工的變遷、收入分配的趨勢與階級政治的後果等方面各自做出了不同的假設。根據台灣的官方統計數據與1992-2007年的《台灣社會變遷基本調查》(Taiwan Social Change Survey)樣本,以及新馬克思主義的階級類型劃分,本文的分析發現:首先,在過去近二十年間,台灣的階級結構發生了相當的轉變,自僱者與無酬家屬勞動者快速減少;專業技術人員擴張,「黑手變頭家」與 「頭家娘」現象則在消逝中。其次,在階級流動方面,父母的階級位置對子女階級繼承的影響有限,階級流動越來越依賴文化資本的代際傳遞。第三,隨著高等教育擴張,女性勞動力大量進入專業技術位置,男性體力工人與自僱者的收入相對下滑,可能縮減了兩性之間的工資差異。最後,台灣的所得分配不平等主要來自資本主義的階級分化,但非技術工人與技術工人的差異也在擴張,資本與技術擁有者的利益提升, 可能是貧富差距惡化的兩個主要來源。台灣過去二十年來的階級結構與社會不平等的變遷,雖然仍具有無產化的特徵,但後工業化才是主要的轉型軌跡。

This paper looks at the question of whether new industrial countries (NICs) in East Asia are following the path of social transformation as claimed by post-industrialism and/or globalization theorists. I compare three approaches of social transformation (neo-Marxist, post-industrial, and globalization) and examine their various hypotheses in terms of social momentum, class structure, class mobility, gender and class inequality, and class politics. Using a neo-Marxist schema to analyze sampled datasets from the 1992-2007 Taiwan Social Change Surveys, I found (a) a stable percentage of unskilled workers, declining percentage of self-employed, and an increasing percentage of experts; (b) educational credentials have become the major source of class mobility; (c) labor market gender segmentation has been reshaped and wage discrimination has decreased slightly; and (d) income inequality between capitalists and unskilled workers is still significant; the inequality between professional and unskilled workers is increasing. According to this analysis, social change in NICs such as Taiwan has primarily followed the post-industrial transformation of developed economies during the past two decades.

Keywords: social class, social stratification, NICs, income distribution, social change