‘I Shop, Therefore I Am’: Female Time Concepts of Shopping and Self
作者:李玉瑛(Yu Ying Lee) | 首次發表於 2020-06-26 | 第 43 期 December 2009
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The main concern in this paper is transforming women’s seemly trivial shopping experiences into an academic discussion. Shopping is not a self- indulgent activity, but a social practice that everyone must participate in. Focusing on how female shoppers shop in relation to spending time, I argue that women try to build self-identity through shopping practices. I elaborate four types of female shoppers as follows: efficient and solitary, the follower, the flanerie, and the careful and meticulous calculater. There are three motifs in western literature regarding women and shopping: shopping as empowerment, as flanerie, and as self-discipline. Here I show that these motifs can be applied to Taiwanese female shoppers. When a woman shops alone, she is indulgent in visual and sensual pleasure, while at the same time she is busy in comparing prices and looking for trendy merchandise. As she exercises her free choice to buy, she is also constrained by market forces that limit those choices. Women love shopping because they want to find uniqueness. It can be argued that women build self-identity and confidence through a dialect of resistance and negotiation with social constraints.

Keywords: shopping, female shopper, time conception, self-identity