Family Survival Strategy and Women’s Labor Force Participation: The Case of Taiwanese Family Businesses
作者:呂玉瑕(Yu-Hsia LU) | 首次發表於 2020-06-28 | 第 42 期 June 2009
研究紀要(Research Notes)
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本研究根據台灣全島性的抽樣調查中314個家庭企業的樣本,檢驗存活策略理論解釋家庭企業內妻子勞動參與選擇機制的適用性。以台灣家庭企業部門為例,本研究發現邊緣部門的家庭中已婚女性的勞動參與機制並不符合過去普遍應用的新古典經濟學派理論,卻符合奠基於家庭經濟生產模式的存活經濟策略理論。在流動經濟策略與家庭存活經濟策略為相競理論的前提下,本研究使用關鍵檢定(crucial test),檢驗相競理論的互斥假設,包括家庭組織、生產組織、以及人力資本因素對於家庭企業內妻子勞動參與的影響。檢定的結果顯示,家庭企業的妻子的就業選擇機制,符合存活策略的預期,而不符合流動策略的假設預期,肯定存活經濟策略對於小型家庭企業已婚女性就業選擇機制的解釋力。本研究的發現透露出在邊緣部門的家庭,面對不利的市場及制度環境,傾向於採取家庭存活經濟策略,有別於主流部門追求最大生產效率的運作邏輯。
Using data from a survey of 314 small family businesses located across Taiwan, the author evaluates two competing perspectives regarding mechanisms underlying the labor force participation of business owners’ wives: family mobility and family survival. The crucial test is employed to examine the competing hypotheses including the effects of the factors regarding family production organization, reproduction organization, and human capital. The evidence indicates that the survival perspective is better for interpreting married women’s labor force participation mechanisms, compared to longstanding neoclassical theory based on capitalist economic logic. According to the alternative discourse, families within the peripheral economic sector, due to imperfect market competition or disadvantaged conditions, tend to employ a survival strategy rather than a strategy based on the principle of maximum profit.
Keywords: family business, married women’s labor force participation, family economic strategy, peripheral sector, competing theory
Keywords: family business, married women’s labor force participation, family economic strategy, peripheral sector, competing theory